
Want to boost your immunity in winters? 7 ways to prepare your body for this season

Winter is the favourite season of many but it brings a lot of health problems with it. Include these foods in your diet to stay fit during winter

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Want to boost your immunity in winters? 7 ways to prepare your body for this season

Winter is going to knock on our doors soon. Winter is liked by many, but like any other season, even this has its own demerits as it brings many health-related problems. In winter, the immunity starts weakening, due to which our body catches the flu and others diseases easily. In this season you need to be a little careful about your health. Cold, fever and cough are quite common in winter but patients with diabetes are also at an increased risk of heart and brain stroke.  

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Therefore, people of all ages need to take special precautions to prevent diseases during the winter season. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are extremely beneficial in winter. A healthy diet will help you to fight many diseases that may occur in winter.

6 things to include in your diet during winters

1. At bedtime, drinking a glass of sweet milk mixed with a spoonful of ghee, removes the dryness and weakness of the body, makes sleep deep, makes bones strong and cleans defecation in the morning.

2. Mixing one spoon of pure ghee, one spoon of ground sugar, quarter spoon of ground black pepper and drinking hot sweet milk after licking it on empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime increases the eyesight.

3. An egg will keep your body warm from the inside in winter. It will protect the body from cold, as well as provide warmth and nutrition. You can consume eggs by boiling them or making Bhujia.

4. Anti-oxidants present in ginger help protect the body from winter infections. 

5. Garlic is the best medicine for colds and coughs in winter. Garlic can be used in chutney, it keeps the body warm.

6. Turmeric proves to be very effective in winter. Turmeric is rich in medicinal properties, acts as an antibiotic in winter and keeps the body warm.

7. Consuming jaggery daily in winter will keep the body warm and the effect of cold will be less visible on you.

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