
Most snakes are found in this Indian state, cobras can be seen crawling in...

This Indian state that has cobras in nearly every village due to its conducive tropical climate and dense vegetation.

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Most snakes are found in this Indian state, cobras can be seen crawling in...
The state of India where most snakes are found

Do you know that there is a state where the maximum number of species of snakes are found. This state is famous for its beautiful beaches and every year lakhs of tourists reach there to visit. This state is also called God's own home. There is hardly any village here where you do not see snakes crawling.

This biodiversity hotspot is home to around 350 species of snakes, making it the state with the most snake species in India. Cobras, in particular, are a common sight, and it is said that they can be seen crawling in virtually every village.

The abundance of snakes in Kerala can be attributed to its tropical climate and heavy rainfall, which foster dense vegetation and a humid environment. These conditions create ideal habitats for snakes, providing ample cover and food sources. The state's rich biodiversity ensures that snakes have plenty of prey and places to hide, contributing to their thriving population.

Cobras, along with other snake species, are frequently encountered by the local population. While most snakes prefer to avoid human contact, encounters are inevitable due to the high density of both snakes and humans in the region. Residents often report seeing snakes in their backyards, agricultural fields, and even inside homes.

Kerala's snake population includes several venomous species, such as the Indian cobra, Russell's viper, and the krait. Despite the potential danger, incidents of snake bites are managed through widespread awareness and availability of medical facilities. Traditional practices and respect for these reptiles also play a role in mitigating conflicts between humans and snakes.

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