
Yoga’s True Essence: Harmonising the body, calming the senses, and discovering inner unity

Often misunderstood merely as a form of physical contortion or mental discipline, the true essence of yoga lies in its ability to connect and integrate these elements with the spirit

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Yoga’s True Essence: Harmonising the body, calming the senses, and discovering inner unity
Image source: Pexels

Yoga, an ancient practice rooted deeply in the Indian spiritual tradition, is much more than mere physical exercise; it is a transformative journey toward achieving harmony between body, mind, and spirit. Often misunderstood merely as a form of physical contortion or mental discipline, the true essence of yoga lies in its ability to connect and integrate these elements with the spirit—the seat of Supreme Consciousness.

This integration fosters a harmonious existence, not just internally but also in our interactions with the world. On this International Yoga Day, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai – Global Humanitarian and Spiritual Leader helps us explore the essence of yoga as a profound tool for connecting with cosmic consciousness, which enhances our well-being and elevates our daily life experiences.

Harmonising the Body – Yoga as Skill in Action

The Bhagavad Gita defines yoga as ‘karmasukaushalam’, meaning skill in action. This ancient scripture teaches us that yoga is about being fully engaged and aware in every action, aligning our physical movements with our breath and intentions. This meticulous approach does not merely enhance physical health and flexibility but transforms every physical action into a meditative practice, infusing quality and perfection into our daily tasks. Through such practices, yoga teaches us that the body is not just a biological entity but a refined instrument of awareness and expression that, when finely tuned, can lead to greater self-awareness and, ultimately, self-mastery.

Calming the Senses – Mastery Over the Mind

According to the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, ‘yogahchittavrittinirodhaḥ’ translates to the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind. Yoga provides us with the tools to still the constant chatter of the mind through disciplines such as meditation and pranayama (breath control). This practice leads to enhanced concentration and mindfulness, enabling practitioners to remain poised and serene amidst life's chaos. By regularly engaging in these practices, individuals learn to manage their mental processes better, leading to increased mental clarity and calmness, which are essential for maintaining mental health and well-being in today's fast-paced world.

Discovering Inner Unity – The State of Equanimity

‘Samatvam yoga ucyate’ – yoga is equanimity, according to the Bhagavad Gita. Yoga practices encourage us to find a state of inner balance and steadiness, unaffected by the highs and lows of external circumstances. This equanimity is cultivated through a consistent practice of yoga, which not only strengthens the body but also stabilises the emotions and calms the mind. As we develop this inner serenity, we become more resilient and adaptable, capable of facing life's challenges with grace and fortitude.
Integration with the Supreme Consciousness – The Ultimate Gift of Yoga

The ultimate goal of yoga goes beyond perfecting asanas or achieving mental stability. It is about the realisation of the oneness of our inner self with the supreme consciousness. This profound integration manifests as a life enriched by spiritual insights, where every thought and action is infused with a sense of divine purpose and selflessness. As practitioners deepen their yoga practice, they often experience a transformation that transcends the physical and mental, touching the spiritual essence of their being. The ultimate truth is that each individual is a divine being (Divine) undergoing a human experience. Forgetting this fundamental and getting lost in the mundane chores will result in derailment from achieving the true purpose of life.

Living Inspired – Guided by the Supreme Spirit

This International Yoga Day, lets us aim not only for physical health and mental balance but also for a deeper integration of our spirit with the supreme cosmic consciousness. Such spiritual integration offers a powerful remedy to the discord and disharmony both within us and in our external environments. By aligning ourselves with the highest principles of yoga, we can lead lives that are not only inspired but also inspiring to others, fostering a sense of unity and peace that radiates outward. Setting the right example to follow, can be regarded as the best form of service that one can offer.

Yoga is indeed a powerful tool for personal transformation and spiritual connection. It is not just a practice but a lifestyle that helps discover our inner self and be established in it.

(This author is a spiritual guru, philanthropist and an Indian visionary who has established institutes of excellence in Education, Healthcare, Nutrition and Spirituality across the world in 33 countries through Sri Madhusudan Sai Global Humanitarian Mission)

(Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the author's own and do not reflect those of DNA)

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