
DNA Special: Pakistani terrorist's Shaheen Bagh connection?

He came to Delhi in the year 2006 with the cleric from whom he had taken his knowledge and started treating people by becoming a Maulana here.

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DNA Special: Pakistani terrorist's Shaheen Bagh connection?

Terrorists hide in Kashmir after crossing the border with Pakistan. This doesn't bother you anymore, you are used to such news. But if a terrorist carrying an AK-47 rifle is living in your neighbourhood, in your locality or in your housing society, you will be shocked and scared because here, the life in danger will not be of any soldier but yours or your family's. Today, one such Pakistani terrorist was caught in a very crowded colony in Delhi, who was living among the common people in different cities of India for the last 15 years.

The terrorist who has been arrested by the Special Cell of Delhi Police is Mohammad Ashraf alias Ali Ahmed Noori. He came to India from Pakistan between 2004 and 2005. That is, he was in India for the last 16-17 years and was also involved in many terrorist activities. According to Delhi Police, his training was done with Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI and then he first entered Siliguri in West Bengal via Bangladesh and from there, he reached Ajmer in Rajasthan.

Surprisingly, the first place of his stay in India was a mosque in Ajmer, where he made friends with a Maulvi and took training to become a Maulana by staying with him for about a year and a half. That is, first he was trained to become a jihadi in Pakistan and then to stay in India, he established himself as a Pir Maulana. He came to Delhi in the year 2006 with the cleric from whom he had taken his knowledge and started treating people by becoming a Maulana here.

It is being said that as a Muslim religious leader, he made a good identity in the Muslim areas of Delhi and then he started asking for money from Pakistan in the bank accounts of those who used to come to him for treatment. The police have said that his handler sitting in Pakistan, whose name is Nasir, had given him the task of carrying out terrorist attacks on festivals this time. And for this, he was also given dangerous weapons.

A major thing is that all these weapons have been found buried in the soil near Yamuna Ghat in Delhi's Kalindi Kunj, which is only 1 kilometre away from Shaheen Bagh. Even if one goes here on foot from Shaheen Bagh, it will take at most 7 to 8 minutes. These weapons include an AK-47 assault rifle, a hand grenade, two magazines of 60 bullets and two pistols that are made in China. There is also a possibility that some people from Shaheen Bagh were helping this terrorist. We have also come to know that this terrorist also stayed in some mosques of Shaheen Bagh and Jamia Nagar for a long time. That is, its hiding place was the mosques of different cities.

Currently, two of his bases in Delhi have been uncovered. One is in Delhi's Shastri Park, where our team reached today and another in Old Delhi, where he had rented a house. He stayed for only a few months in a rented house in Shastri Park, whereas he kept coming to the house in Old Delhi and some people were also helping him there. Both these areas are Muslim majority. However, his arrest has been made from Laxmi Nagar, Delhi, some distance from Shastri Park.

During interrogation, this terrorist has told that he is a resident of Punjab province of Pakistan, from where 26/11 terrorist Ajmal Kasab also came to Mumbai. That is, all these roots of terrorism are intertwined with each other. The Special Cell has also got several identity cards and a passport from this Pakistani terrorist named Mohammad Ashraf. Police have said that he also married a woman from Ghaziabad near Delhi to become a citizen of India and then left her within a few months.

He did this marriage only for the purpose of making his identity card. Apart from this, in the passport made by him in 2014, a Bihar address is written in the Permanent Address, due to which there is also a possibility that the woman he married may be from Bihar. On this passport, this terrorist once went to Saudi Arabia and once travelled to Thailand. The police is also trying to find out the motive behind these two foreign trips.

Apart from this, another shocking thing that has come to light is that this terrorist also lived in Jammu and Kashmir for a long time, where he worked from weapons to funding terrorists. The police also suspect that he also carried out terrorist attacks there.

After this news, the question is also arising that why Ajmer in Rajasthan is the first destination of terrorists coming from Pakistan?

Before Mohammad Ashraf, Delhi Police has also arrested Indian Mujahideen terrorist Zia ur Rehman alias Waqas seven years ago in 2014 from Ajmer in Rajasthan. Waqas also came to India from Pakistan. Apart from this, David Headley, the mastermind of the 26/11 Mumbai attack also stayed in the Ajmer district of Rajasthan. Ajmer also has a large Muslim population and there is the largest temple of Lord Brahma in Pushkar itself, which is the biggest centre of faith of Hindus. Apart from this, there is a big religious event of Jews in Pushkar itself, which is called Hanukkah. And it is believed that these religious places can be the target of terrorists. Therefore, now the question is also in front of the investigating agencies that why terrorists come to India from Pakistan and choose Ajmer only.

The festive season has started in India. After two days it is Dussehra, then Diwali is coming. And after few days, Christmas will come. So you need to be careful because, for terrorists, the easiest targets are festivals as there is a lot of crowd during this time and that makes the job of terrorists easy.

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